Mother Crocifissa Caputo (Maddalena)


Mother Crocifissa Caputo (Maddalena) was born in Angri (Province of Salerno) on August 18, 1848, daughter of Antonio Caputo and Agnella Garofalo, parents who were land owners and devoted themselves to agricultural work, rich in faith and devotion to God.

While still a child, a great desire to become a religious was kindled in her heart, but she didn't know where or how, because there was no religious house in Angri. She lived a simple life, pious, reserved, of sacrifice and dedicated to apostolic life. She nourished in prayer her secret desire, confirmed by her private vow to consecrate herself to God, at the age of 25.
In 1876, Providence introduced her to Fr. Alfonso Maria Fusco, thus bringing together "two ardent souls with the same desire: to open a house for the good of orphans and abandoned girls".

On 25th of September 1878, with three other companions, Maddalena began the mission entrusted to her by Providence, entering the poor house prepared by the Founder Fr. Alfonso Maria Fusco. The first years were hard for the sacrifices faced with great faith and generosity and for the many hardships that challenged the courage and determination of those young women. On July 16, 1880, Maddalena Caputo, who took the name of Sr. Crocifissa del Divino Amore, together with five other girls received the religious habit. Fr. Fusco who saw in the six young girls the first foundation of the building of the whole work, felt vivid and indescribable joy.

From that moment Maddalena, for 25 years, was the model and vigilant Mother of the Congregation, which grew in number and in works with her care and with her energetic guidance, spreading to various towns and cities.
Mother Crocifissa fell ill in Rome at the end of 1902 and on her deathbed, clutching the Crucifix, she entrusted to God the Institute to which she had dedicated herself completely, blessed the Sisters and died peacefully on February 4, 1903 at 8:00 o’clock in the morning, at age of 54.

Prayer for Intercession

Ask for graces through the intercession of Mother Crocifissa (Maddalena Caputo).
With ecclesiastical approval: Msgr. Giuseppe Giudice Bishop of Nocera Inferiore and Sarno Nocera Inferiore (NA) – Italy

Good and merciful God,
you had awakened in the heart of
Mother Crocifissa Caputo,
from her youth,
the ardent desire to consecrate herself to you,
to the service of the little ones, orphans and abandoned.
We praise you for having filled her with a lively and assiduous faith,
which gave her the strength to face
the difficulties and contradictions of life.
We thank you for her testimony
as a caring mother and teacher of life.
We always want to serve you
with the same trusting and unconditional love that she had, and we ask you,
through her intercession,
for the grace we so desire…
Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Glory to the Father…


Some tributes

Sister Crocifissa Caputo was a woman of excellent virtues, enlightened, prudent, filled with the spirit of Jesus Christ, which she demonstrated especially in her life of penance…

Sr. Giuseppina De Martino

… she was endowed with great goodness and great energy and also had a great passion for abandoned children.

Mr. Emilio De Leo

Maddalena Caputo brought no financial assets, but an ardent passion, an infinite desire to help Fusco in the Foundation

The two hearts have completely met and this, through an extraordinary plan of God’s Providence. Caputo brought with her, in the government of the Institute, a rare wisdom and a particular strength.

Sr. Giovanna Parodi

The Lord made use of two very different Characters of the Founder and of the Co-Foundress, Sr. Crocifissa Caputo, to ensure that the government of the Congregation was inspired by criteria of Christian perfection. Alfonso was very considerate, Sr. Crocifissa very firm; the reconciliation of the gentleness of one and the firmness of the other was the secret of God’s Providence in the government of the Congregation… Both, with different means, constantly aimed at the spiritual formation of the Sisters.

Archbishop Bartolomeo Mangino Bishop of Caserta